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Pastoral Care Seminars
Encouraging local congregations in whole-church pastoral care
Resources: Text

To get a feel for the talks and courses I have delivered in recent years, here is a list.
Please be in touch if I could partner with your own church to encourage confidence in the Bible in our every walk of life.
An introduction to biblical counselling
Understanding depression in our churches
Opening the bible over coffee
Difficult Relationships
Hope in the darkness: pregnancy loss
Supporting a friend whose marriage is on the rocks.
The complexities of forgiveness
The lost art of lament
- Untangling bereavement
Handling change and uncertainty
Being Busy, for better or for worse?​
Understanding doubt, through the Bible?
Meaningful Relationships, a course equipping church family and small group leaders in intentional discipleship and care.
Resources: Welcome
Could your church benefit from topical teaching?
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Resources: Browse Recordings
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